ISOTools Excellence
  • Anticipation to problems before they occur putting in danger your organization stability.
  • Recognition of similar problems that others companies have.
  • More agile and controled daily work of your Management System.
  • Access to relevant information that can help you improving your management.
8 problemas de integrar normas ISO  en empresas
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8 problems of the integration of ISO standards in organizations  

Automation and integration are essential for the right functioning of organizations with several implemented and certified ISO management systems.

An organization that manages its Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001), Health and Safety, Information Security (OHSAS 18001) and Food Safety systems (ISO 22000), among others, independently and without integrating them will faced many problems that will condemn it to failure.

Duplication or triplication of efforts, management of lots of paper documents, waste of resources and time, lack of coordination between departments and delegations are some of the most usual problems that cause employees’ discourage and bring the organization’s top management to lose the global vision that should be provided by its management system or even more important… its money.

Who could be interested in this e-book?

Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety managers, coordinators or directors, Processes Leaders, Management Systems responsible of public and private organizations.